Ellen Berrey on the Enigma of Diversity

Office Hours show

Summary: Diversity is one of those concepts that is all but taken for granted as a good and desirable quality in American social life. However, as professor Ellen Berrey [1] explains, the actual institutions and practices designed to promote diversity can sometimes obscure real inequalities and limit the ways we think about social justice. Her new book, The Enigma of Diveristy: The Language of Race and the Limits of Racial Justice [2], chronicles three cases - one at a university, one in a neighborhood, and one at a large corporation - that demonstrate some of the problems that the idealization of diversity raises for minorities in America today. Download Office Hours #112 [3] [1] http://www.ellenberrey.com/ [2] http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/E/bo19910067.html [3] http://files.thesocietypages.org/downloads/OH112_Berrey.mp3