Lions Live 15/16 Ep 20: Robbie Ryan & Alfie Pavey

1885 Millwall Podcast show

Summary: <br> December 17th, 2015<br> (Please note that this week the show went off air between approximately 4 mins 15 secs and 9 mins 42 secs.  Please fast forward between those times on the recording in order to skip over the silence.  We hope this doesn't spoil your enjoyment of the show.)<br> Joe Amphlett Once again took control in the hot seat to host this week’s packed show &amp; keep the old boys in the studio in check.<br> With the lions game being postponed at late notice last Saturday the discussion in the studio was all about whether the ref had made the correction decision when all the travelling supporters had already completed the journey to Oldham.<br> Our first guest on the show was former lions left back Robbie Ryan talking about he’s playing days for Millwall and the 2004 FA Cup Final.<br> We also had young gifted lions striker Alfie Pavey in the second half of the show talking about going from playing for the under 18’s &amp; 21’s to now being part of the 1stteam squad.<br> “Bye For Now!”<br> Remember if you want to contact the show or come on air to chat or play Ted's game you can get in touch:, 020 7237 9272, 07895 022 325.<br> Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @lionsliveradio or search Lions Live Radio!<br> And why not subscribe in iTunes: <a href=""></a> (or your podcast software) and never miss an episode again! And while you’re there rate and review the show so other fans can find us!<br>