FLOSS Weekly 361: OPNSense

FLOSS Weekly (Video HI) show

Summary: Hosts: Randal Schwartz, Gareth Greenaway Guest: Jos Schellevis The feature set of OPNsense includes high-end features such as forward caching proxy, traffic shaping, intrusion detection and easy OpenVPN client setup. The latest release is based upon FreeBSD 10.1 for long-term support and uses a newly developed MVC-framework based on Phalcon. Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly Here's what's coming up for FLOSS in the future. Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email Randal at merlyn@stonehenge.com Thanks to Cachefly for providing the bandwidth for this podcast and Lullabot's Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music.