GGR 189 - LAPD Use of Force Reports with Claude Werner

Gun Guy Radio show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 189 of Gun Guy Radio! This is the podcast that shines a positive light on the firearms lifestyle. I’m Your host Ryan Michad and this is your weekly dose of positive firearms talk, without the politics.This week, I’m joined by Claude Werner, the Tactical Professor, to discuss some of the lessons we can learn from the LAPD’s Categorical Use of Force summaries & reports.As always, please consider supporting the Firearms Radio Network by shopping Amazon using our Amazon Affiliate Link at A portion of your purchase will go towards helping the FRN create awesome pro-gun content!Please check out the Patriot Patch Company and their current Pre Orders for the Patriotic Flag 4 pack, the In God We Trust and The Diversity T-Shirts pre order!, how are you doing? How is your training going?Main Topic: Learning from LAPD Officer Involved Shooting Summaries with Claude WernerA little while ago, I had noticed that Claude had referenced a few of these Categorical Use of Force reports that were linked from the Los Angeles Police Department website. Curious, I went on to the website and found that they posted a pretty detailed report of every officer involved use of force/shooting incident that occurred. This included a pretty detailed summary of the events leading up to the incidents, as well as the determination by the Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC) as to whether the officers actions were justified or not. Claude had pointed out several lessons from one of the reports he had linked, so I thought it would be a good idea to discuss how one can get information from such reports, and how they can translate that information into usable data that they can incorporate into their training regimen.Claude, how did you discover the LAPD Categorical Use of Force (CUF) reports?What are some ways that you have used these reports to influence how you train/how you train others?What are some mistakes you see people make when trying to gather usable information from such reports?Claude has picked a few reports that he thought were especially interesting and imparted some useful knowledge to the armed citizen, so we thought we could discuss some of those and give some examples of how you can use such reports to your own advantage.IncidentsAll the following incidents occurred off-duty. In general, officers are not required nor encouraged by the LAPD to take enforcement action off-duty.Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners’ [Evaluation and] Findings“The BOPC reviews each Categorical Use of Force incident based upon the totality of the circumstances, namely all of the facts, evidence, statements and all other pertinent material relating to the particular incident. In every case, the BOPC makes specific findings in three areas: Tactics of the involved officer(s); Drawing/Exhibiting/Holstering of a weapon by any involved officer(s); and the Use of Force by any involved officer(s). All incidents are evaluated to identify areas where involved officers can benefit from a tactical debriefing to improve their response to future tactical situations. This is an effort to ensure that all officers benefit from the critical analysis that is applied to each incident as it is reviewed by various levels within the Department and by the BOPC.”==================================================================================OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTING – 009-06 (Off-Duty Intervention in Robbery) for Police ContactAn officer was off-duty when he encountered an armed suspect committing a crime, resulting in an officer-involved shooting.Incident SummaryOfficer A was off-duty and attired in plainclothes when he attempted to purchase an item at a supermarket. While standing in the ch