Robotics and Medicine | FULL SHOW | #286

Popular Science Radio show

Summary: Is medicine the cure, or the cause? Will autonomous robots be our downfall? These burning questions under scrutiny, and learn about The Great Shakeout and disaster awareness this week on Popular Science Radio. Segment 1: Medicine on a Pedestal "Modern medicine is great at treating symptoms, but not so great at treating causes." Cardiologist Dr. James L Marcum, stresses that putting medicine on a pedestal is not the best way to approach health, and tells us to focus on what causes diseases or other health problems. Segment 2: Medicated Nation The U.S. filled 1.4 billion prescriptions last year, more than the rest of the world combined, yet still has growing rates of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Dr. James L Marcum can't stress enough how little medicine is helping the situation, and claims that medication is killing more people annually than heart disease. Segment 3: The Great Shakeout While everyone is focused on Mars, Pluto, and the Moon, US Geological Survey Staff Scientist Dr. Kris Ludwig reminds us that our planet is still a very active interesting place. Dr. Ludwig tells us about "The Great Shakeout," an earthquake and national disaster preparedness drill. Segment 4: Autonomous Robots Are we headed for a world with thinking robots, taking the place and jobs of humans? "Our Robots, Ourselves" Author and Robotics Expert, Dr. David Mindell, says no! Find out why Dr. Mindell believes we shouldn't and probably won't end up striving for fully autonomous robotic systems. Segment 5: Human Centered Robotics Robots should be human centered rather than acting on their own. Dr. David Mindell gives us some examples of robotic projects that were aimed at being fully autonomous but eventually integrated human approval or interaction due to the short comings of our metallic friends. Segment 6: Humatics Corp. Now that Dr. David Mindell has published his opinions, he has decided it's time to start a company that practices what he preaches. Humatics Corporation will be focused on engineering robotics systems that can effectively right alongside human systems.