A.I. and 3D Printed Cars | FULL SHOW | #290

Popular Science Radio show

Summary: Will we be able to instill our core human values into artificial intelligence? What is the revolution of 3D printing going to do to the car market? We entertain these important questions here on Popular Science Radio! Segment 1: Heartificial Intelligence Should we still be using Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics as universal laws for artificial intelligence? Heartificial Intelligence Author, John C. Havens, puts the growing field of A.I. in perspective, and urges us to codify our ethics so it's more easily understood by robots. Segment 2: Data and Privacy With the mass explosion of data, we need tools to make sense of it. John C. Havens expresses his concern for the erosion of privacy and suggests a way to codify our human values. Segment 3: Quantify Your Values Before we can instill in our artificial friends human values, we must first look at ourselves and really figure out what those values are. Heartificial Intelligence Author, John C. Havens, explains how important it will be to quantify our values so machines can understand them. Segment 3: Quantify Your Values Before we can instill in our artificial friends human values, we must first look at ourselves and really figure out what those values are. Heartificial Intelligence Author, John C. Havens, explains how important it will be to quantify our values so machines can understand them. Segment 4: The Future of the Car Local Motors have been advancing the technology of building a car by leaps and bounds, but they have encountered the usual hurdle automotive companies come up against: the Federal Government. CEO Jay Rogers (@JohnBRogers) fills us in on their difficulties and progress. Segment 5: Neighborhood Electric Vehicle With a belief in sustainability and local ingenuity, Jay Rogers and Local Motors have made it their mission to enhance the life of local communities everywhere. Also, Jay Rogers (@JohnBRogers) tells us about the NEV, or Neighborhood Electric Vehicles, which he plans to introduce to meet the needs of congested city transit. Segment 6: Car Recycling What if you could trade your car in for the newest updated version every 18 months? Jay Rogers (@JohnBRogers) lets us know about his plan for the future: Trade in your 3D printed car, have it ground down and turned into materials for your new car!