Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit Of Happiness

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness are not mere words to be taken lightly or for granted. Yet, in today’s society of the Me, Me, Me syndrome, it seems that laziness, hatred and fear have replaced those words and their true meaning. Common Courtesy, Common Sense, and Respect for another human being, let alone one’s self are all but gone. What people are failing to see, hear and recognize is that is what our corrupt and tyrant government wants. They are the ones creating the hate, divisions amongst the races amongst the different faiths and amongst people in general. Tonight on A Muslim & A Catholic Wake Up In ‘Merica Isa and Cal will prove that it is the Government Fanning the flames to ignite a race war trying to turn us against each other so we don't stand together united against them. A democracy isn’t profitable, so are they setting up for socialism or a dictatorship? Black Lives Matter, Yes! But More Importantly ALL LIVES MATTER!!! That and so much more all happens Tuesday night 8:00 pm EST/5:00 pm PST on Coffee Party USA Radio Network. Isa is a Muslim American activist fighting for the rights of all Americans and the preservation of the constitution.  He was the organizer of the Million American March Against Fear in D.C. on 9/11/2013. Isa was on Fox’s The Five, Sean Hannity, and Jennie Pierro show. Common Cal is a single father of five children. As if that does not keep him busy enough he has been a mechanic and custom car designer/builder for 31 years. Cal is also the owner of three businesses and has two Bachelor Degrees, one in Business Marketing and one in Micro Computer Technologies.  Cal’s love and intrigue for politics stems back to when he was very politically active back in high school and college Hence, why he and the voice opposite him Isa Hodge get along so well.