Holistic Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, The Marshak Method

One Hour AT A Time show

Summary: Dr. Marshak is also the scientific director of Moscow’s renowned Marshak Clinic. The Marshak Method incorporates genetic testing, nutrition, yoga, self help, counseling and education to treat addtiction. In 1997 Dr. Marshak opened Moscow’s first clinic for the treatment of addiction. Influenced by the findings of neuroscientist Kenneth Blum, which identified a defect in the dopamine D2 receptor gene, Marshak began testing his patients for the D2 gene variation. Through scientific literature Marshak and his daughter, a post doctoral researcher at the University of California (Irvine), found other genes linked to reward deficiency syndrome in general, and specifically in drug addiction. Marshak refined and improved his genetic testing. all patients are tested for 4 genes; based on the results, a special program is created for each individual client.