A Surprising October Jobs Report

Coffee and Markets show

Summary: Download Podcast (http://www.coffeeandmarkets.com/CoffeeandMarkets110615.mp3) | iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=322896948) | Podcast Feed (http://coffeeandmarkets.com/feed/podcast/) On today's edition of Coffee and Markets (http://www.coffeeandmarkets.com), Brad Jackson is joined by Francis Cianfrocca to review the surprising October jobs report, and three ways to change the air travel experience. Then journalist D.C. McAllister is here to geek out about the Battlestar Galactica TV show. Related Links: 3 Radical Ideas To Totally Disrupt Air Travel (http://www.fastcodesign.com/3051426/3-radical-ideas-to-totally-disrupt-air-travel?cid=ps002codesignss&utm_source=ps+facebook&utm_medium=paidcm&utm_campaign=ps002codesignss&utm_content=codesign) Jobs Report (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm) Watch Battlestar Galactica (http://www.syfy.com/battlestargalactica) Follow D.C. McAllister on Twitter (https://twitter.com/mcallisterden) Follow Brad on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/bradwjackson) Subscribe to The Transom (http://bendomenech.com/transom) The hosts and guests of Coffee and Markets speak only for ourselves, not any clients or employers.