Top Big Gay News Stories of 2015: #7 – What Gay Couples Get About Relationships That Straight Couples Often Don’t

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Summary: Big Gay News is on holiday hiatus until January 5, 2016. Until then, we’re doing a countdown of the most popular stories for 2015. Published on June 9, 2015, “What Gay Couples Get About Relationships That Straight Couples Often Don’t” was the seventh most popular story on Big Gay News. The Washington Post reports that when it comes to dividing the labor at home fairly, straight couples may have a lot to learn from gay couples. A new study finds that same-sex couples tend to communicate better, and share chore duties more fairly. Gay couples tend to assign tasks based on personal preference, rather than gender, income, hours worked, or power position in the relationship. Straight couples tend to talk less, and fall into traditional gender roles. Straight families often describe “pink chores”, and “blue chores.” Follow us on Twitter at the handle @BigGayNews and listen for a whole new year of fresh news starting on January 5, 2016.