Top Big Gay News Stories of 2015: #4 ISIS Throws 2 Gays Off Tower, Stones Woman And Crucifies 17 Young Men

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Summary: Published on January 20, 2015, “ISIS Throws 2 Gays Off Tower, Stones Woman And Crucifies 17 Young Men” was the fourth most popular story on Big Gay News. The Independent reports that the ISIS militant group has reportedly carried out a seemingly unprecedented string of public executions. ISIS threw men accused of being gay off towers, stoning a woman accused of adultery, and crucifying at least 17 young men in a 48-hour period. The group said: “ISIS is sending a message to all people living under its control, to say: 'This is what will happen to any opponent.” Follow us on Twitter at the handle @BigGayNews and listen for a whole new year of fresh news starting on January 5, 2016.