CP 08: The Heavy

Control Point show

Summary: GET BEHIND ME DOCTOR! AHHH HAAA HAA AHHH HAH *COUGH* *COUGH* er… time for another Control Point. This week we tried to get skypecast working, but apparently it takes a Medic and all we had was a Heavy. Or something like that. Anyway, this week we concentrate on the Heavy and give some of the clans out there a little ribbing… let’s hope they can take it! [MP3 AUDIO] Here’s just a tidbit of what you can expect: The Heavy Class Guest Host – Mojache the Moon Princess CP Server goes Public! (Thanks JohnMazz!) Video: How to Stop a Train Video: How to Play the Heavy Video: Engineer Syringe Jump TF2 Stat Bonanza! Spencer’s New Headphones Listener Contributions and much much more!