CP 30: WWW (Where’s Wes Wilson?)

Control Point show

Summary: Where’s Wes Wilson? I’ll tell you. Out sick! So everyone send your good thoughts his way so he can be well in time for the next edition. [MP3 AUDIO] And as you know, when we are missing one of the hosts, we miss other things. This week, it was Warpath. /Shrug — you know you hate the map too! Here’s just a few more tidbits you can expect: Map: Warpath Announcement: Control Point T-Shirts now for sale! Video: How To Play A Soldier (From Ubercharged) Video: Flickr done in GMod (by SilverChaos) Video: Ode to the Medic (posted by Oman) Listener Contribution: Custom Control Point t-shirt by Ivy (thread deleted) TF2 Wiki: Control Point Podcast page. Listener Contributions and much much more!