Black Agenda Radio – 12.28.15

Black Agenda Radio show

Summary: <br> Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. <br> – A conference on the Black Radical Tradition will be held at Temple University, in Philadelphia, January 8th through the 10th. Dr. Anthony Monteiro is one of the organizers, and a keynote speaker for the event. We asked Dr. Monteiro, How alive is the Black Radical Tradition, today?<br> <br> <br> - Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, is wishing a very unhappy New Year to Wall Street and U.S. Imperialism. The consensus among the corporate media and the ruling circles in the United States is that the economy is doing fine, that the U.S. is nearing full employment, and that means the government will end its policy of giving trillions of dollars in interest-free money to the banks. But Omali Yeshitela says, the system is in deep crisis.<br> - Earlier this year, a 27 year old teacher from Southeast Washington, DC, died at the hands of two Special Police officers. The recently formed Pan African Community Action group, or PACA, wants to take the case before the United Nations. PACA organizer Netfa Freeman explains.<br> <br> <br>