The Price of The Paris Terror

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>After the attacks in Paris last week, leaders on both sides of the Atlantic are under pressure to prevent future violence. In the open-border, economically united Eurozone, there's been a call to close borders. And while the Greek debt crisis created a fiscal wedge between Euro members, the attacks in Paris have presented a cultural threat to the idea of the Eurozone. Meanwhile, in the United States, FBI Director James Comey said that this is a time for U.S. business and government to come together and called on companies to share encrypted information with authorities, where appropriate, to protect against attacks. Host Charlie Herman talks with <a href="">Rana Four-hour</a> of Time Magazine and <a href="">Rob Cox</a> of Reuters BreakingViews about how November 13 could affect business and economic policy around the globe.</p>