299 | How to Launch Your Business and Brand with Self-Publishing, an Interview with Chandler Bolt

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: <br> <br> Writing a book is still one of the most powerful ways to brand yourself as an authority in your industry. It's never been easier to write a book and get it in front of your ideal audience.<br> Today's guest, Chandler Bolt, has written multiple best sellers and helpd his clients and students to do the same.<br> If you've evern thought about writing a book, this conversation with Chandler will give you what you need to get started.<br> <a>Subscribe in iTunes</a><br> In This Episode<br> <br> * How to write a book even if you hate writing<br> * The #1 mistake made by new authors that costs them money, time and impact<br> * The fastest way to write a book and get it to market<br> <br> Items of Interest<br> <br> * <a href="http://www.self-publishingschool.com/" target="_blank">Chandler's video series on how to write, promote and monetize a self-published book</a><br> * <a href="https://www.rev.com/" target="_blank">Rev</a> - This handy iOS app makes it easy to record your voice and quickly have it transcribed<br> <br> Get Your Action Guide Here:<br> <br> <a href="http://www.internetbusinessmastery.com/easytwitter/" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="http://www.internetbusinessmastery.com/easytwitter/" target="_blank">How to Jumpstart Your Online Income with Twitter</a> - A Guide to Building a Following and Making Money Even If You Have No Site, No List and No Product<br> <br> Breakthrough<br> I canceled my Netflix account. In the past, I'd get up in the morning and turn on Netflix so I have some background noise to get me going. <br> I thought taking in any type of information is better than not doing anything. As a result, I got hooked on to dramas and other meaningless, time-wasting shows. <br> I'd skip the gym, I skip my "Miracle Morning" practices suggested by Hel Elrod. <br> I signed up for the academy three days ago after listening to the popcast for 6 months, and I decided I would not do anything that doesn't contribute to my overall success going forward, and if I do, I need to do something to change it. <br> This morning, just as my finger was on the TV remote, I turned around to my computer and canceled my Netflix account. I spent the morning making one chapter further in my IBM course. <br> Now I feel free, from all the distraction. More importantly, I know Netflix will be one of the many that I would remove from my journey to freedom. It is not that Netflix is bad, but it is not a priority to my success. Thank you J&amp;J.<br> Master Dez