Technorama Network Ep 449

Technorama show

Summary:     Listen below with the audio player or <a href="">Click Here</a> for complete show notes and video from the show. Vmail * Krazy Joe * Star Wars Ep 7 * Zhadum * BTTF on BT? * Hack a road sign * Saved up for… * What tech would you like to have? * Toughest concept to wrap your head around Email * Star Wars Holiday Special: Mad Marv: Argh, I want my money back from that show. If they had kept some of Dayton's commercials in the video that might have been entertaining but I fell asleep half way in and woke up to Bea Arthur singing. And the weirdest thing is that the Youtube rating on the video is 90% positive. Now I'm just waiting for Lumpy to make an appearance in Episode 7. Marv * Ben on Wedding Cakes  I just thought I would let you know the wedding cake thing isn't hazing. We froze ours and pulled it out for our first anniversary, and it was awesome. I wouldn't trust it for 60 years, but it made it a single year just fine. I suppose it could depend on the cake and how you freeze it. I was skeptical, but it worked for us. Facebook/Twitter Q: What was the greatest piece of tech that failed? Myron: Apple Newton Tim’s reply: Q: How many Newtons does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Fouf. There in mix angles, Amy thin ground soap. Scott: The Clapper Marti: The bead-dazzler Jack: The Sega Dreamcast (it was MMO on dialup) Marti/Gary: Betamax Shaun: Linux Rob: The mini-disc player Dean: The Microsoft Surface (the big a$$ table version) Question of the week: What was the most challenging tech of your life? End of Show Stuff We appreciate your support. If you like the show, there are many ways to show your love: Call the Listener Line: 206-222-CHAT (2428) Email: Flag us on twitter with #technorama, or visit our fan page on facebook Web Site: (forums, swag, webcam, mail lists, links in the show notes, and more) How about a donation to the tip jar: one time or monthly micro payment. Or a review on the iTunes music store or any one of the many podcast directories Thanks to the following people for donating their time and talent keep Technorama going: Mad Marv for providing the great blog content. Tell a friend about Technorama and... binary high five