Ask Allie: Telepathic Sex vs. Fantasy

Ask Allie show

Summary: October 19, 2015 Ask Allie Podcast: Life Advice with a Metaphysical Twist! **Show Format** * Introduction * Topic: Telepathic Sex vs. Fantasy * Holistic Item of the Week: Faden Quartz + Carnelian * Closing remarks Miss Daisy: SPECIAL IS GOOD TO PURCHASE UNTIL OCT 25, 2015 ONLY A 3 card reading with one of my many decks. You pick one of the readings below - I'll pick which deck fits you best. 1. LOVE IN YOUR LIFE: How he/she feels about you - how he/she views you - the end result of the relationship. 2. ATTRACTING LOVE: what's keeping you from finding it - action needed by you to attract it - your love life after you take the action 3. SOUL MATE: Have/will you found/find one? What was/will be his or her reaction when you met/meet? What will be the nature of your relationship in this life? 4. MONEY: what's blocking you from it - action needed by you to attract it - your financial life after you take the action. 5. BUSINESS: current state of biz - what you can do to improve it/attract more clients - how your business fares after the advice 6. PAST LIVES: which lifetime triggered the situation you're in - guidance - how your life will shift if you heed the advice. 7. DREAMS: What does the dream revolve around (the setting)? What's the dream trying to show you? What should you do with the information? 8. OVERALL: love - money - spiritual 9. 1 QUESTION: situation - advice - future situation based on advice given 10. 3 QUESTIONS: - 1 card per question 11. BITE ME: Why is this happening? What can you do to make it go away? How will your life be different after "it" goes away? 12. 3 MONTH OUTLOOK: Now - 1 Month - 3 Months You will have a choice of it being written or audio (MP3). Personally, I think the MP3 is better as I tend to say more than I write. Keeping it at the 2003 price for this last round - $25. Interested? Email at :) Find Allie on the WWW: