Killing Solar, Killing Us All


Summary: SHOW SUMMARY: Who is trying to kill solar power in America? As energy activist Nancy LaPlaca reveals, state-by-state fossil fuels companies are trying to stop competition from safe renewable power. Then we look at developing court evidence in Canada - that fracking for gas and oil IS polluting drinking water. Veteran Canadian investigative journalist Andrew Nikiforuk fills in this key part of the shadows of fracking. We'll wind up with part of my on-going conversation with permaculture guru Albert Bates: why is the worst news more popular than the best solutions? Radio Ecoshock 151111 I'm Alex Smith, welcome to Radio Ecoshock this week. Download or listen to this Radio Ecoshock show in CD Quality (56 MB) or Lo-Fi (14 MB) Or listen right now on Soundcloud! URGENT: I NEED YOUR HELP! I need your financial support. The Ecoshock bank account is getting very low, and I will have bills to pay all through the coming holidays. I particularly need more monthly membership supporters. If you can afford $10 a month to keep Radio Ecoshock (and me!) going please check out this page and sign up. I only need a few dozen supporters to keep this program going out free to people all over the world. If you prefer a one-time donation of any amount, that's great too. Sadly, I can't ask for donations in my radio program. The non-profit stations are raising money for their own needs, and don't allow fundraising for independent producers. I guess I'm supposed to be part of some big think-tank, or organization. But then I'd have to censor Radio Ecoshock to fit their policy, or try to sell you on their agenda. Please help me stay independent and free to take on the world! It seems unfair that blog readers and podcast subscribers have to carry the load for all radio listeners. But that's the way it is, and so I'm asking for your help now. Please take a few seconds, and a few bucks, to help me keep going. Otherwise, Radio Ecoshock could go off the air. NANCY LAPLACA: WHO IS KILLING SOLAR IN AMERICA? In May of 2013, we asked energy activist Nancy LaPlaca why the sun-drenched state of Arizona burned so much coal. That hasn't changed. You can download or listen to that interview here, or read about it in my blog here. Nancy has moved to North Carolina, where she's helping uncover a national plot by big power companies to slow down solar power in America. She's working with two activist groups: NC Warn (Building people power for climate and energy justice) and Climate Voices, the science speakers network. Nancy LaPlaca According to the Washington Post, March 7, 2015, big U.S. utilities are fighting a campaign against rooftop solar power. In the article "Utilities Wage War Against Rooftop Solar" the Post's Joby Warrick wrote: "If demand for residential solar continued to soar, traditional utilities could soon face serious problems, from 'declining retail sales' and a 'loss of customers” to “potential obsolescence,' according to a presentation prepared for the group. 'Industry must prepare an action plan to address the challenges,' it said." You can find that document from the industry group "Edison Electric Institute" online, free, here. Here is an excellent article, "Blocking the Sun" from the group "Environment America". It names names of the industry groups and big energy companies organizing to make it harder or more expensive for Americans to install rooftop solar. It's happening in Australia too! What are we talking about? Mega-energy corporations are trying to protect their big investments in dirty power plants, and their virtual monopoly on our energy system. It's a blow against democracy, where you can choose your own clean power. In some states, big corporate lobby groups, like "Alec" - the American Legislative Exchange Council - "help" states to write laws and regulations that penalize rooftop solar. In some states, they even charge people $50 a month if they install solar and go off-grid! Behind it all, and behind industry groups like the Edison Ele