BTWN Episode 62 || Theonomy Q&A with Pastor JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen

The BibleThumpingWingnut Network show

Summary: What have we learned in the several weeks since the “Great” theonomy debate took place in Arizona with JD Hall & Joel McDurmon? We learned that Joel McDurmon is a candidate for carpal tunnel, as he spent a lot of time behind the keyboard since the debate hurling accusations at JD Hall regarding his use of quotations made by prominent theonomist fathers. On this episode JD Hall gives theonomists and non theonomists alike the opportunity to call in unscreened and ask any question they wish about the debate, theonomy, or JD’s exegesis of scripture in refuting theonomy. Check us out on the web: follow us on Twitter: Join the conversation on Facebook: Watch us on YouTube: Rate and Review us on iTunes: