BTWN Episode 79 || Pulpit & Pen VS. The Pub || Redeeming the Culture with Owen Paun

The BibleThumpingWingnut Network show

Summary: First things first, tee shirts are in the mail, YAY! After sharing feedback our discussion revolves around two major topics which you see in the show title. Owen Paun asks Len if Christians have an obligation to be about the business of redeeming the culture, and the further discusses the weight and burden of keeping up with the culture. JD Hall has been an outspoken critic of "The Reformed Pubcast" on his podcast and in print, and Les, a host of the Pubcast wrote a response article. Are JD's critiques legitimate, and how is the Pub handling the criticism? We discuss it and we hope you'll join us and leave feedback. Email us at and let us know what you think. Check us out on the web: follow us on Twitter: Join the conversation on Facebook: Watch us on YouTube: Rate and Review us on iTunes: