Ask Dr. Mike: Eating Colors for Your Health & Supplements to Ease Glaucoma

Healthy Talk show

Summary: Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.Here you'll find the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions posed by Healthy Talk fans. Listen in because what you know helps ensure healthy choices you can live with. Today on Healthy Talk, you wanted to know: My dad has glaucoma (open-angle) with increased ocular pressure. What supplements can he take for decreased eye pressure? Some supplements that Dr. Mike recommends are pine bark extract, pycnogenol, lutein, zeaxanthin, EGCG, vitamin A, vitamin E, and forkscolin. I saw a Facebook post by health activist, David Wolfe. He said, "eat colors for your health." He also said white foods are good for the immunity, yellow foods are good for the skin, orange foods are good for inflammation, red foods for the heart, purple foods for the nerves, and green foods for the toxification. What are your thoughts? Dr. Mike thinks this can make some sense. For example, white foods like mushrooms are really great for your immunity. Yellow foods might be considered wheat, grains, yellow squash that benefit your skin. For the color orange, foods like oranges and carrots are great for your skin. For the color red, foods like pomegranates and apples are packed with antioxidants that are great for your heart. Purple foods like blueberries benefit your nerves. Any kind of leafy greens are great for cell health and detoxing. If you have a health question or concern, Dr. Mike encourages you to write him at or call in, toll-free, to the LIVE radio show (1.844.305.7800) so he can provide you with support and helpful advice.