Eating Like a Toddler Aids Sustained Weight Loss

Healthy Talk show

Summary: How is eating like a toddler different from how adults eat?Losing weight can be a challenging process with a bunch of ups and downs. What if there was an easier way to lose weight and all you had to do was change your eating style? For example, have you ever heard of the phrase, "eat like a toddler"? You may have noticed how picky parents can be when it comes to nutrition for their children, as they want the best for their child. A toddler is also on a strict eating schedule, where it always seems like they are crying for food. This is because when a baby is born, their organs (like the stomach) are still growing. What are the five tips on how eating like a toddler may aid in weight loss? Never skip breakfast Eat every three hours Eat the food you would feed your toddler Don't eat or drink anything a toddler can't Adapt a toddler behavior Eddie Fatakhov, MD, joins Dr. Mike to explain why eating like a baby can help you lose weight and keep the weight off.