Chaos to Calm: How Wild Animals Can Treat PTSD

Healthy Talk show

Summary: How can wild animals help heal your PTSD symptoms?Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that's triggered by a traumatic event which caused some kind of harm. While psychotherapy and drugs are often used to treat PTSD, there's a new school of thought behind addressing the condition: animal therapy.  You might be a little intimated enlisting wild animals to help ease your PTSD symptoms, but a new program is proving this method works. The CATalyst program helps you achieve peace of mind by bringing you face to face with wild animals who mirror your stress and get you grounded. As you walk through The CATalyst refuge, animal teachers show you how to shift from chaos to calm. Listen in as Kevin Rose shares more information about the CATalyst program and how animals can help ease your PTSD symptoms.