I Doubt It #128 – “Mark – King of Bees, Dollemocracy feat. Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee Hates on Caitlyn Jenner, TSA Chief Melvin Carraway is Done’zo, and Gallup Reveals an Increase in Attitudes of Acceptance.”

I Doubt It Podcast show

Summary: Jesse and Brittany discuss GMOs and Bees w/ Mark from the Facebook page, Mark’s Bee Hole. Lindsey Graham officially announced his bid for President of the United States. Mike Huckabee acts like a jerkoff about Caitlyn Jenner and her Vanity Fair cover. A report from the TSA reveals startling lapses in security and their Chief is no longer with them. Gallup reveals a shift in attitudes about some moral questions and not in others. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage