Astrology and Energies of May

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: Hello, May! This month is servin' up a powerful Scorpio Full Moon, the beginning of Mercury retrograde, a grounding Taurus New Moon, and the energies of a Mutable Grand Cross will keep us jumping (and distracted) late in the month. Plus, Jupiter in Leo will be trining Uranus in Aries for the third time in June, and we'll be feeling this building up energy throughout the month. The biggest astrological energies of the year (March & April) are now past us, so our mission is to keep moving forward into the newer aspects of ourselves with confidence and joy. May is vibrant, bubbly and open for change, so listen in to get a heads up on what you can create and manifest now. As always, grab your astrology chart and follow along to see how the energies are working with you this month. You can get a free astrology chart at   Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.