Malaysian Jet MH370, ISIS, and the Prophetic Secret

House of Destiny Audio Podcast show

Summary: KIM ON SABBATICAL BUT SPECIAL GUESTS STEVE SHULTZ FROM ELIJAH LIST AND APOSTLE ELLIS SMITH FROM DETROIT FILL IN; WRECKAGE FROM MALAYSIAN JET FOUND? Kim is on sabbatical with his family for several days, but today’s show is power packed with awesome worship and great men of God. Firstly, a segment is aired after worship that Kim recorded earlier with Steve Shultz from the Elijah List. They discuss prophets today and how so many are speaking gloom and doom, but not Kim. Steve underscores that Kim is a prophet, but also an intercessor and worshiper. After this excellent segment, Kim has special guest Apostle Ellis Smith from Detroit deliver an excellent teaching on the sons of Issachar anointing. He not only discusses that but also the Tabernacle of David, the power of intercession and prayer, and how we must fulfill our purpose and destiny on this earth before we leave it. In Codebreakers, Sunil shares about a piece of wreckage that was found, possibly from the Malaysian jet that disappeared over a year ago, in light of prophetic words Kim has given about the situation. He also shares prophetic words Kim has given regarding terrorists training their members to fly jets and discusses the news that ISIS could possibly be training its members to fly jets now, fulfilling the prophetic word Kim gave last year.