Episode #82: Supreme Court Waiting, Dean Screaming

Ken Rudin's Political Junkie show

Summary: It was an incredibly sad week for the nation, having witnessed the senseless murders of nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C. church by an apparent white racist who worshiped the Confederate flag and other remnants of the South. The response by many in political life was a series of attempts to remove the flag from public display -- a cause that has been debated for decades. President Obama's comments after the killings harkened back to the 1963 Birmingham church bombings that killed four little girls, and the memorably measured but emotional eulogy given at the time by Martin Luther King Jr. All eyes, including that of SCOTUS Blog editor Amy Howe, are on the Supreme Court, as it prepares to end its term with a historic civil rights case: whether same-sex couples are free to marry throughout the country. There are other cases on the Court's docket, including whether those millions of people who get subsidies to help pay for health care as part of the Affordable Care Act will continue to do so. The presidential campaign of Bobby Jindal is just beginning. But the Louisiana governor, who this week became the 13th Republican to enter the race, is beset by budget and other woes at home. Jeremy Alford, editor and publisher of LAPolitics.com, reviews his career. And it was 13 years ago this week that Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont, officially launched his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.  Once a longshot who quickly catapulted to frontrunner's status. Dean is our special guest in our "this week in political history" feature. Photo via Blog for Iowa This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License