Do Anti-Vaccine Kooks Lead To Bigger Government? [PODCAST]

The Freedom Report show

Summary: <br> Today's episode of the Freedom Report podcast looks at the new "draconian" California law which removes the religious or philosophical objections to parents wishing not to immunize their children. Do paranoid conspiracy kooks lead to bigger government?<br> A measles outbreak radiating out from southern California's Disneyland spurred the legislation, causing an uproar and national debate about not just whether parents should be required to vaccinate their kids, but whether the vaccines were linked to autism.<br> "The Disneyland outbreak is quite possibly a direct consequence of the growing anti-vaccination movement in the United States," <a href="">said study author</a> Maimuna Majumder, a research fellow at Boston Children's Hospital.<br> Comedian Jim Carrey made waves when he took to Twitter to call California Governor Jerry Brown a 'fascist' for the law. Carrey says he isn't "anti-vaccine," but that he's "anti-neutrotoxin." [sic] <br> Today's podcast debunks the anti-vaccination movement's key claims about the efficacy of vaccines, and offers an explanation for how assholes, kooks, concerned moms and other cranks lead to bigger government. <a href="">Subscribe on iTunes! </a><br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>