Episode 73: An Iranian Retrospective

The American Interest show

Summary: Happy Thursday, listeners! Apologies for the publishing delay this week, but perhaps its appropriate that the show missed its usual release date as its topic—the ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran—have also run past their deadline. This week we bring you a retrospective, as we look back to some stellar guests from past episodes to help provide context for what is being discussed in those talks today. First we hear from Aaron David Miller, vice president at the Woodrow Wilson Center, about his own experience as a Middle East negotiator. Then Michael Mandelbaum, TAI editorial board member and the Christian A. Herter Professor of American Foreign Policy at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, helps place these talks in a regional context. Adam Garfinkle, Editor of The American Interest, tells us why we ought to be skeptical of monitoring provisions. And finally we hear from Gary Samore, President Obama’s White House Coordinator for Weapons of Mass Destruction Arms Control and Counterterrorism from 2009 to 2013 and executive director for research at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, and follow our host Richard Aldous @RJAldous and Aaron David Miller @aarondmiller2 on Twitter.