White Lies Black People Believe! writtten by Alfred Ali

Culture Freedom Radio Network show

Summary: The White men of America have always been the educator of most Black men and women ever since the Blacks landed in this country. Black people were not allowed to read or write, and the LIES that were instilled in their minds have enslaved them more than the physical slavery. For example, there were lies that Black people are Negroes, were swinging on trees and did not have a culture, history or religion. The White man said he brought us here to benefit our lives, but instead he robbed us of our identity with orchestrated lies. Even some Blacks still believe those lies to this very day. The lies go on and do not end with the Blacks. Even the Indians (Native Americans) are the savage ones and the White men brought civilization. "Sure! Who are you kidding?" The truth is, the result of all these lies created monumental social problems still present with us today.....!  http://houseofali.com/index2.html