Corpse Run Radio, A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: Hello darlings and welcome to our 15.1 mini-cast!**The Corpse Crew**Leeta-@LeetawowKameo-AskKameo@gmail.com, @kameo666, in game:kameo#1392Grand Nagus-@GrandNagus1; Towerofcommerce@gmail.comRigarmorty- @Rigarmorty;http://rigarmorty.blogspot.com; Rigarmorty@gmail.comRobin Blay- @Rblay**Special Guest:**Hirumaredx-@Hirumared; https://www.youtube.com/user/hirumaredxTop 10 Quest Chains Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6II044TeWukHuge thanks go out to Robin Blay, Grand Nagus and Hirumaredx for all their hard work and dedication! Thank you!!I hope you enjoy this mini episode! Thank you so much for the iTunes and Stitcher reviews! You can tweet Juuno@Juunoswow, the show@CorpseRunRadio, and you can email the show atCorpseRunRadio.gmail.com.And as always....may the Dark Lady watch over you!