CH 86: The Curious Handmade Wardrobe Challenge!

Curious Handmade with Helen Stewart show

Summary: Welcome to August! On today's podcast I have a chat about what I got up to (and didn't!) on holiday in Australia, and I have a couple of exciting announcements. Show Sponsors Today's show is sponsored by The Fibre Co, and their wonderful Acadia yarn.   Acadia is named after the oldest American national park east of the Mississippi river, a place of natural beauty where the sea and mountains meet, slopes are densely forested and wild blueberries abound. Acadia National Park is in the state of Maine, The Fibre Co.’s birthplace.  The yarn inspired by this beautiful region has a rustic look and a soft hand. A subtle tweed effect is created by the silk noil that is combined with a heathered base made from fine merino wool and brown baby alpaca. The yarn is a classic DK weight and makes a beautiful textured fabric that is perfect for next to the skin accessories as well as garments. You can get yourself some Acadia at our other sponsor's shop, Meadow Yarn:   Meadow Yarn is an inviting online retailer selling yarn, needles and notions. It's a small, family business based in rural Suffolk in the UK. Meadow Yarn was born out of a passion for beautiful yarn and knitting accessories and aims to bring you a range of great products. Yarns stocked include madelinetosh, Eden Cottage Yarn, the Fibre Co and many more. Holiday Yarn Haul I indulged myself with a few skeins from Australian producers. This beautiful wool which smells amazing from Ton of Wool Some lovely variegated wool from Skein Australia I was given a present of some gorgeous DK weight wool from Miss Click Clack, another indie dyer. The Curious Handmade Wardrobe Challenge I mentioned last week that I was going to devote August and September to the theme of A Handmade Wardrobe, but in the meantime the idea has grown, and I've decided that it would be great to turn this into a make-along challenge. I'll be hosting the challenge in collaboration with a fellow fibre artist, Susan, AKA Kizmet from Ravelry. We're stretching it out until October to give everyone lots of time to plan and create! Goal: Create at least one handmade item for your wardrobe by October, whether with knitting, sewing, or some other craft. August - planning month. The will be a thread in the Curious Handmade Ravelry Group soon, for support and chatter! September and October will be for making, and then we’ll aim to post a photo in the FO thread by the end of October Contest winner Tiffany L is the winner of the Boardwalk Collection Giveaway! This was her comment: "They are all lovely. My favorites are Peony, Neckinger and L’heure bleue and it is very hard to decide which one I would choose." Sorry to put you on the spot Tiffany, but it's time to choose! Have another look and let me know by email or Ravelry message which colour you'd like! Announcements Some really exciting news: Curious Handmade has made it to the finals of the UK Podcasting Awards! I can hardly believe it. Every vote counts and it would mean a lot if you'd take a moment to vote for us here! Thank you so much! Are you joining me on September 5th for the Great London Yarn Crawl. I'm going to share a stand with other breakout designers as part of their pop up marketplace Indie Designer Spotlight. Please stop by and hang with us! Plans for the first Curious Handmade Workshop with Emily Quinton from Makelight Studios and my friend Vicki Hillman, fashion stylist, will be heating up now that I'm home. So far I can tell you that it will be happening on Friday the 9th of October. Save the date! Thanks so much for listening. I hope you'll join in the Curious Handmade Wardrobe Challenge. It's going to be a lot of fun!