A Perfect Recipe: Floral Design Workshops and Delicious Local Food, with Sarah Statham of UK’s Simply by Arrangement (Episode 198)

SLOW FLOWERS with Debra Prinzing show

Summary: Welcome to our second episode celebrating British Grown Flowers. It's timely because this is British Flowers Week in the UK, where flower farmers, florists, retailers and wholesalers across the country join forces to raise awareness among consumers and the media about the renaissance of their domestic floral industry. Take note, because we've got big plans here at Slow Flowers to launch American Flowers Week very soon. My guest today is more than just a professional contact. I've gotten to know her and spend time in her home and community and I'm so happy to call Sarah Statham a personal friend. Sarah and I were introduced virtually by British flower farmer Gill Hodgson of Flowers from the Farm, a UK-based organization of flower farmers and florists promoting British flowers. You may have listened to my podcast interview with Gill last year. When I knew I would be traveling to England last month, I reached out to Gill and suggested that I schedule a visit to Yorkshire, where her farm is based. As it turned out, Gill and Sarah teamed up to create an entire itinerary for me and my mother Anita, my traveling companion. Sarah and her husband James Reader opened the doors to their home to invite us to stay for three amazing, flower-filled days. Their generosity blew us away, and beyond that, Sarah made sure that we met many others in the local floral community. A highlight was a gathering and full-on British afternoon tea at the RHS Harlow-Carr Botanical Garden in Harrowgate. Forty kindred spirits gathered to listen to my short presentation about Slow Flowers and the American Grown flower movement, but I have to say that what I learned from them in return was so valuable. That afternoon we tagged along for one of the photo shoots of the Yorkshire community of growers and designers, all part of the PR campaign to coincide with British Flowers Week. The Yorkshire flower farmers commissioned the very talented Sarah Mason whose images of Yorkshire-grown flowers, flower farmers and florists have been showcased on this blog all week. On our last morning together, I turned on the recorder to interview Sarah about her own business, as well as about her British Flowers Week activities. You'll hear me refer to the fact that we are seated in a cottage in the Cotswolds and just to explain, Sarah and James brought my mom and me with them for the first day of their week-long vacation in a charming village called Snowshill. Yet another amazing bonus of this visit and of their hospitality. The co-creator of Simply by Arrangement, which she started two years ago with Christie Buchanan, Sarah Statham is a floral designer and educator based in Hebden Bridge, in Yorkshire. Christie calls herself a cook, but having eaten her delicious food, I'd say she's a chef extraordinaire.   Their artisan flower and food business. pairs floral workshops with delicious food, which easily turns the educational aspect of a day playing with flowers into an entire luxury experience. Simply by Arrangement also provide flowers and food for private clients as well as flowers for larger events and weddings. Sarah grows many of our flowers used in her own beautiful cutting garden (which, by the way, the bedroom in which I slept conveniently overlooked). Christie sources her menu ingredients locally from farms in Lancashire, where she is based. I know you'll enjoy my conversation with Sarah and please follow Simply by Arrangement at these social places. Simply by Arrangement on Facebook Simply by Arrangement on Twitter Simply by Arrangement on Instagram And if you find yourself in the UK, a Simply by Arrangement Workshop that feeds your creativity and tempts your palate is certainly in order. Sarah and Christie would love to include you at the table. After wrapping up our interview Sarah and I continued to chat about the similarities in our philosophies.