07-15-14 Attack of the Giant Snails Nude Beach Party

Phil Hulett and Friends show

Summary: Yup, it's exactly what it sounds like. A snail expert describes what could have happened had a bunch of giant, African Snails gotten loose at Los Angeles International Airport. Plus Expedia lists the values and behaviors of beach-goers, especially those who chose to go nude. Jennifer Bjorklund talks immigration issues and the possible deportation of a Pulitzer Prize winner, juxtaposed with the next chapter in the life of the "Wu-Tang-Wang" guy. Jay Campadonia tells the heart-breaking story of a 15-year old girl who soldiers on after her entire family is killed - and how the generosity of crowd-funders will help her somehow get on with her life. Chris Martin reviews the smartphone app that warns Israelis of incoming missiles. Finally Phil Hulett bemoans "First World Stress" with a top ten list.