Chris Martin Almost Died, Mrs. Ray Rice, and iPhone 6

Phil Hulett and Friends show

Summary: When Chris Martin recently called in from Interstate 10 in Arizona to report on the torrential downpour and massive dust storm, we had no idea he almost died moments before he called. Why he waited, we'll never know, but listen to him recount what happened on this show. Our tech guy give us a preview of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+, including a new way to securely buy things through "tokenization."  We love orphaned dolphins with their tails cut off, and, according to our movie guy, so does America. Oh, and use the hashtag, #Dolphnado. The Ray Rice controversy has everyone wondering why battered women stay with their abusers, and we get answers and perspective from an expert. Plus Erin Myers with the 9-11 poll, stupid schools, Catholics versus devil worshipers, and the love story that will take your breath away. Jay Campadonia has the angry dog poop porch pooper, criminal selfies, and the 100 foot bratwurst! Chris Martin survived Arizona, barely, and issues a warning out of Florida: Look out for the poisonous hairy puss caterpillar, and the best argument yet for Texas to secede from the Union.  One more thing...Alex Trebek is growing his mustache back.