Stress, Money and Sex

Phil Hulett and Friends show

Summary: We've pretty much covered the spectrum of subject matter on this show, right? Learn how to turn stress into a good thing with Kelly McGonigal, PhD. Retire rich following the tips from Thembi Buthelezi, and scientists reach a conclusion on the benefits of more versus less sex. Plus how to know if you are exercising enough or too much. George Zimmerman screws up again. Nepal is struck by another massive earthquake. Verizon is paying how much to buy AOL? How much would you pay for Picasso's most pornographic painting? Tom Brady is sent to the gulags for asking for balls to be deflated. A woman delivers a monster-sized baby. Did Kanye West deserve this honor from a university? A man finally graduates college after THIS man years. More Americans have no religious affiliation. And a guy is arrested after rescuing a dog from a locked car.