Runescape Weekly 6/23/2015

Runescape Weekly show

Summary: You're listening to Runescape Weekly for 6/23/2015. I'm your host Magebit with over 13 years of Runescape experience. On today's show:Co Hosts: St0rmsmithGuest Host: shadowri5ingBond Contest Winners [RunewarsLoot] Donation Incentives Return! The Liberation of Mascab & Rune Dragons Announced Anniversary Film Fest's Workshop Improvements Notes 6/22,16,936,65641453Dev Blog: Beach Party,17,419,65635792Runescape ranks on Healthiest Live MMO's Yak Cannon Hybrid submit your ideas!Engage Usfacebook.runeweek.comtwitter.runeweek.comgplus.runeweek.comquestions.runeweek.comRate and Review us in iTunes - itpc:// - Find us on stitcher!Help Us Out! Donate Bonds! - Support Our Giveaways!