SOTG 196 – Pope Attacks Christian Gun Makers

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: Surprise, the current left leaning pontiff has come out publicly against firearms and arms makers. Il Papa stated that being a Christian and investing in firearms making are contradictory. Though disturbing this is not a shock given the current record of the Catholic Church boss. Patriots in Washington State are fed up and they are not taking it anymore. An Arms Expo is planned for this weekend in Yakima. Jarrad introduce the SOTG/Fight U Thunderdome Challenge. And, lastly, we have an example of people stepping up to help an injured person as opposed to standing around with their phones. SOURCES: From ( "Pope Francis insinuated over the weekend that weapons manufacturers and those who invest in the weapons industry are hypocrites if they call themselves Christians. “It makes me think of … people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons,” he said at a youth rally in Turin, Italy, according to Reuters. “That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn’t it?” As for those who invest in the weapons industry, Pope Francis had equally tough words: “Duplicity is the currency of today … they say one thing and do another.” The pontiff’s comments about those who benefit and profit from the weapons industry were widely seen as the toughest to date, Reuters reported. Pope Francis spoke during the same address about the failure of world powers to stop the Nazis during the Holocaust, asking why bombs weren’t used to halt transports to concentration camps. “The great powers had photographs of the railway routes that the trains took to the concentration camps, like Auschwitz, to kill the Jews, and also the Christians, and also the Roma, also the homosexuals,” Pope Francis said, according to the Independent. ”Tell me, why didn’t they bomb [those railroads]?” As TheBlaze previously reported, these remarks follow the pontiff’s comments about climate change, which place the bulk of the blame on human activity." From ( "TAMPICO, WA-  Even though Washington State passed a law expanding background checks on those trying to buy and sell guns, there's some organizations who aren't accepting the regulations within I-594. We spoke with some organizers who are hosting a gun expo and don't plan to comply with the gun law. A group called "Liberty for All", is hosting an arms expo, where you can buy and sell guns freely. They told us this afternoon it's important for them to have this event, even though it's against the law. "Well, the importance of having an event like this is really about enforcing the constitution. The Washington state constitution says the right to bear arms shall not be impaired and impaired means to diminish and to reduce in any way. And we view 594, the passage of that and the result of Washington code as an impairment of the right to keeping bear arms. In the fact that it impairs our ability to buy and sell fire arms." Said Sam Wilson of Liberty for All. For a small fee, you can camp on site for the whole weekend at the Yakima arms expo. In addition to live music, food, and seminars, there's a few speakers scheduled to appear. One of those speakers told us, they're not going to comply with I-594 "We've always been forbearing in this. They passed a law and we backed up. Grudgingly, but we backed up. What we're saying here today is, we're done backing up, deal with it!" Says Mike Vanderboegh. As controversial as this topic may be, Sam Wilson wants the skeptics to know that this event isn't meant to be taken as a threat. "Really, the one thing we've stressed all along is that this is peaceful. This is not any kind of threat or violence. This is a peaceful exercise of constitutional rights"