SOTG 220 – Selling Lies; Hollywood aid Progressive Politicians with their Propaganda

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: Realizing that the U.S. Congress is polling very low in the “trustworthy” category, unlikeable Senator Chuckie Schumer has enlisted the aid of his more popular and younger cousin Amy. Yes, another paid pretender takes to the microphone to read from a script to encourage the great unwashed to support more restrictions on liberty. Keeping with our Hollywood pretender theme, we take a look back at the “Demand a Plan” video and consider how many of the pretenders who demanded a plan to end “gun violence” have themselves made a great deal of money promoting that very thing. Also, during our SWAT Fuel Fitness talk Jarrad discusses personalizing your workout routine. SOURCES: "Demand a Plan" Video - ( Use IMDB to see which hypocrites are promoting gun violence - ( From ( "Nearly two weeks after a gunman opened fire during a screening of one of her movies, killing two people and himself, actress and comedienne Amy Schumer is teaming up with her cousin, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., as he unveils new legislation to combat gun violence. The proposed legislation, which the two presented at a news conference Monday, would reward states that submit information to the background-check system and penalize states that don't comply. During a July screening of Amy Schumer's film "Trainwreck" at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, John Houser shot 11 people, killing two women before eventually turning the gun on himself. He legally purchased the gun he used at a pawn shop. The new push for gun control in Congress also comes after the FBI reported that a breakdown in the system made it possible for Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof to purchase a gun. "These shootings have got to stop. I don't know how else to say it," Amy Schumer said at the press conference Monday, who refused to say the name of the gunman during her remarks. After the shooting in Lafayette, gun-control advocate Sarah Clements called on the actress to take a stand on the issue in an open letter, writing, "We need your voice in this movement." "Your movie  ...  will now forever have this shooting attached to it. You've been caught in the middle of our country's terrifying, unending war with itself, our sick and twisted relationship with the gun lobby, which tells us we need guns for anyone, anywhere, anytime. ... Join our movement." Schumer tweeted that she thinks every day about Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson, the two women killed in the shooting, writing: "Don't worry I'm on it. You'll see." From ( "Despite the demonstrable and abject failure of 50 plus years of gun control in the United States of America, like the clinically insane, progressive politicians attempt to repeat the same actions hoping for different results. Consider if you will Chicago and Cook County, Illinois. The strictest gun control in the U.S., save perhaps Washington ,D.C., and the murder rate exceeds that of nations at war. Consider any holiday weekend in Chicago. After record-breaking bloodshed, progressive politicians and their minions scream for more “reasonable gun control.” Apparently the hundreds of laws in place cannot stop thugs and vermin from killing, but one more law will. Consider the glittering jewel of gun control that is the modern United Kingdom. American liberals hold England as the model by which we should mold U.S. gun policy. What they neglect to tell you is that disarmed British subjects are 10 times more likely to be victims of home invasion (not burglary, invasion of an occupied home) than are people in the United States.