SGJ Podcast #109 – Quasar – Multiplayer Mayhem

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to this episode of the Space Game Junkie Podcast! In this episode, <a href="">Jim</a>, <a href="" class="broken_link">Hunter</a> and I talk to the co-creators of OSnap Games — Ryan Luck and Franklin Barrientos — about their just Greenlit multiplayer space shooter game <a href="">Quasar</a>! We also talk about the trials of indie development, the grueling process of going through Steam Greenlight, the perks of using the Unreal Engine and much more. It’s a really fun show, so we hope you enjoy it. :)<br> Next week, we will likely be talking about the inconsistencies among Star Wars games, which will hopefully be as fun as the Star Trek show we did a while back. If you would like to suggest a guest or topic, please hit us up at <a href=""></a>! Thanks for listening, and again, enjoy the show.<br> <br>