15 Skin Care Tips In Your 20s

RadioMD (All Shows) show

Summary: When it comes to your skin health, it's never too early to start taking care of it.When you're in your 20s, proper skin care may fall to the bottom of your list of priorities. However, many things you could be doing now can end up prematurely causing wrinkles and causing your skin to age faster. What are the 15 skin care tips you should know in your 20s? It's never too early to start using anti-aging cream Even though you're using anti-aging cream, you're still aging Never skip sunscreen Always use moisturizer on your neck and hands Avoid drinking from straws Eye cream is worth investing in Eat foods with antioxidants Avoid crossing your legs Don't smoke (and if you already do, try to quit) Make an appointment with a dermatologist Stay active Shower with lukewarm water Start using Retinol creams Avoid heat lamps Come up with an anti-aging routine Debra Jaliman, MD, shares the 15 skin care tips you should start implementing in your 20s.