Evolution DEBATE & The Apologia Radio Beef [08/18/2013]

Street Apologist w Vocab Malone show

Summary: <br> EPISODE #151<br> <br> Notorious atheist <a href="http://backpack.podbean.com/2012/07/15/is-jesus-a-myth-debate-07152012/">B. Strong was on before to debate the historical Jesus.</a> This time we discuss evolution: its evidence and its implications. And we finally break our silence regarding the <a href="http://vocabmalone.blogspot.com/2013/06/apologia-radio-strikes-back.html">Apologia Radio Controversy</a> and interact with some of your great comments and questions. <br> Special Guest:<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnZakPBE76s">Atheist B. Strong</a><br>