AT Outreach Programs with Brad Brown and Mike Stevenson – 118

The Sports Medicine Broadcast show

Summary: AT Outreach Programs with Brad Brown and Mike Stevenson - 118 <a title="Mike on Twitter" href="" target="_blank">Mike Stevenson</a>, ATC for <a title="Huntsville Hospital" href="" target="_blank">Huntsville Hospital Systems</a> and Brad Brown of Memorial Hermann (formerly of the Houston Oilers and <a href="" target="_blank">Tennessee Titans</a>) joins us to talk about running Athletic Training Outreach programs.  there are some big differences in their programs, but essentially they agree on the ins and outs of running a program. We are also joined by Randy Dugas and Bill Hale. Thanks to <a href="" target="_blank">Morgan Wilson Music</a> and <a title="JJ Worthen" href="" target="_blank">JJ Worthen</a> for allowing us to use parts of their songs. <a title="118 show notes" href="" target="_blank">Show notes for Episode 118</a>