Concussion Protocol and mTBI Research – 126

The Sports Medicine Broadcast show

Summary: Dr. Jacob Resch is doing some pioneering research focusing on balance issues and concussions.  One of their test sites is DeSoto High School where the Sports Medicine team, lead by David Young,  is leading the way in the secondary setting with concussion research studies and protocol management. <a title="126 show notes" href="" target="_blank">Show notes for Episode 126</a> <a style="line-height: 1.714285714; font-size: 1rem;" title="MAT at U of H" href="" target="_blank">Masters of Athletic Training at U of H</a> <a title="U of H Masters of Athletic Training on Twitter" href="" target="_blank">@UofHMAT</a> <a href=""></a> (Conversation with Dr. Rob Renneker on pupilometer device) <a href=""></a>  (Dr. Resch information) <a href=""></a>   (North Texas Athletic Training Society) <a href=""></a> (Concussion Vital Signs Cognitive test) <a href=""></a>  (footplate system we use) <a title="126 Video" href="" target="_blank"> Video for 126</a>