Bass Clef Bliss

The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being show

Summary: Bass Clef Bliss, a feature documentary, is about the courage to overcome the fears that come with a heart-wrenching diagnosis and the powerful bond of a mother (Therese Davis) and son (Terrence Patridge) who rebuild their lives by doing small things with great love. Bass Clef Bliss is a true story of a young man at the intersection of Autism, hope, and music. At an early age, his speech disappears and his sensitivity to sound triggers frequent tantrums. His music therapist introduces him to the trombone. With the help of caring professionals, he makes slow and steady progress in his ability to function in the world. Years later, his high school music teacher discovers he has perfect pitch. Today, his talent and determination open doors for him to go to college and play with symphony orchestras, theater productions, jazz ensembles, and his church.