Remembering Redemption / Mark 14:12-31

The Well: Sermon Audio show

Summary: On the night Jesus was betrayed, shortly before His arrest, trials and execution on the cross, He shares the Passover meal with His disciples. Jews had shared this meal every year for the previous 1500 years, celebrating God’s incredible deliverance from their bondage of slavery under the Egyptians. Yet Jesus flips this meal completely on its head, powerfully demonstrating to His disciples that this meal had always been a foreshadowing of Him. He is the sacrificial Lamb of God who came to redeem us from the bondage of sin and establish a new covenant with us based on His grace. Through this passage we’ll seek to understand why we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) as a church. We’ll re-examine the depth and power of the gospel that has redeemed us, is redeeming us, and will one day redeem us. [Video File] [Audio File]