June 6, 2015 | FULL SHOW | #128

Men's Health Live show

Summary: Kick your excuses to the curb! MH Cover Guy Noah Galloway (@Noah_Galloway) is a double-amputee who inspires us to take control and get fit. Plus, learn how to get out of your relationship rut, chill beer faster, find out why cussing improves physical performance, and more. Segment 1: Noah Galloway on Ellen How has life changed for Noah Galloway (@Noah_Galloway) after winning the title of the 2014 Ultimate MH Guy? It's been a whirlwind! Learn more about Noah's recent quest inspire the nation on the popular Ellen DeGeneres Show. Segment 2: Surviving the Struggle "I wanted to be the best man I could be." Iraq veteran, Noah Galloway (@Noah_Galloway), discusses the bittersweet moment of regaining consciousness on Christmas day to find that he was missing an arm and leg. Click now for the inspiration to accomplish your fitness goals, hurdles and all. Segment 3: No Excuses When 2014 Ultimate MH Guy Noah Galloway (@Noah_Galloway) returned home with severe injuries and depression following his second tour in the Middle East, he had to have a no-excuses mentality to battle back to a happy, healthy lifestyle. Discover why entered the MH contest and what life is like now that he's won the title. Segment 4: Reviving Romance Have the best sex of your life! Relationship expert and author of "The Men on My Couch," Brandy Engler (@TheMenOnMyCouch) says for a strong connection and sizzling sex life, you have to do relationship maintenance. Learn how to revive romance tonight! Segment 5: Relationship Rut In a relationship rut? Friendly competition or a soothing bath could do the trick. Relationship expert Brandy Engler (@TheMenOnMyCouch) gives you tips to shake it up and make sparks fly. Listen now. Segment 6: Parenting Advice In an age of hyper-competition for youth organized sports, how can you make sure that you keep a healthy balance in your child's life? Mental training and peek performance consultant Aimee Kimball (@AimeeKimball) offers parenting advice in response to a question from MH reader Nathaniel in Durham, NC. Segment 7: Cuss to Win Grunt, cuss, and talk to yourself to perform better! MH Fitness Editor Michael Easter (@Michael_Easter) says choice four-letter words and positive self-talk can add strength to your game. Click. Cuss. Win! Segment 8: Solo Fitness Own your fitness regime. MH Insider Training Columnist David Jack (@jacksy69) gives you fitness fundamentals to stay in perfect form. Segment 9: Health Hazards Is your neighborhood cutting your life short? MH Associate Editor Lila Battis (@lilabattis) reports on environmental risk factors in your neighborhood that could be hazardous to your health. Breathe easier, click now. Segment 10: Bar Fight Magic Win any bar fight with the power of illusion! MH Writer Joe Kita (@JosephKita) says the key to winning any bar fight is to tap into your inner magician to "shock and awe" angry brawlers. Learn how to defend yourself now! Segment 11: Is it normal? Faithful MH reader Adam from Louisville asks if it's normal to secretly race the person on the treadmill next to you. Joel Fish, M.D., director of the Center for Sports Psychology in Philadelphia, explains the differences between healthy motivation and toxic competition. Segment 12: Ice Cold Beer Chill beer faster. MH Writer and former NASA engineer, Mark Rober (@MarkRober) gives you six ways to get a frosty brew, faster.