June 13, 2015 | FULL SHOW | #129

Men's Health Live show

Summary: It's National Men's Health Week, and we're encouraging guys everywhere to step up their health game by eating better, exercising more, and seeking the assistance of medical professionals. Find out when you should check in with a doc, how to test your physical prowess at home, why a summer vacation can make you healthier and smarter, and more. Segment 1: Prostates and Beer Peter Moore (@MHPeterMoore) has taken to Twitter to promote National Men's Health Week. (That's right, gents. We have our own week!) It's time to take action to live a longer, healthier life. Step #1: Listen to this segment to find out more. Segment 2: Act Like A Woman Want healthier habits? Simon says, "Act like a woman!" Discover how emulating the fairer sex can revolutionize how men think of preventative healthcare. Segment 3: Mind (and Gut) Control Your gut is teaming with bacteria that could be controlling your mind. Gastroenterologist and author of "The Gut Balance Revolution", Dr. Gerard E. Mullin (@DrMullin) explains. Segment 4: Big Belly = Depression? Is your gut giving you the blues? Dr. Gerard E. Mullin (@DrMullin) says that you may have microbial imbalance in your gut known as dysbiosis. Plus, find out what foods and beverages are making American's obese. (You might be surprised!) Segment 5: Two Dick Docs in a Tesla Two urologists are taking a marathon road trip in an all-electric Tesla Model S for the sake of your groin! Dr. Sijo Parekattil (@nuttdoc) and Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt (@jaminbrahmbhatt) give us the lowdown on Drive for Men's Health (@Drive4Men). Click now to #SaveAMale. Segment 6: Driving for Your Junk Pro tip: Keep your manhood in tip-top shape by talking with your physician. Dr. Sijo Parekattil (@nuttdoc) and Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt (@jaminbrahmbhatt) are on the Drive for Men's Health (@Drive4Men), and they say don't be afraid to drop trou and ask questions--it could save your life. Segment 7: Fitness Fuel To be the Ultimate Men's Health Guy, you need more than a ripped set of abs. Isopure President Chris Hickey underscores the importance of using an incredible body to inspire others to achieve their health and wellness goals. Find the fuel to be a better man. Listen now. Segment 8: Protein Punch Falling in love with fitness is a personal journey. It's time to illuminate a passion for a healthier body and better nutrition. It starts with the right fuel. Isopure (@IsopureCompany) has developed a high quality, lactose-free, whey protein isolate to help you demolish your fitness goals. Chris Hickey tells us more. Segment 9: Fun and Fit As a father, how does Isopure (@IsopureCompany) President Chris Hickey inspire his daughters to embrace fitness? Family workouts can make exercise fun, not forced. Find out how. Segment 10: Baby Steps, Big Change Do you take better care of your car or dog than you do of yourself? Pump up your health and nutrition regime and try these tips from MH Editor-in-Chief and author of "The Better Man Project" (@MHBetterMan), Bill Phillips (@billphillipsMH). Segment 11: What Would Mr. T Do? Bill Phillips (@billphillipsMH) challenged Today Show's Willie Geist to a fitness test straight from the pages of "The Better Man Project" (@MHBetterMan). Then he challenged Mr. T. to be a better man. Find out if they accepted. Segment 12: Take A Vacation... Now! Peter Moore (@MHPeterMoore) advises: Ditch the rat race and take a vacation. It will make you smarter! Listen in for Peter's guide to summer reverie inspired by science reporter Jim Thornton and actual rats.