Stories from the Publishing Industry

Hide and Create show

Summary: This week on Hide and Create, Jordan Ellinger, Michael J. Sullivan, Debbie Viguie, and Joshua Essoe tell some personal stories about their lives in the publishing industry. If there is something that you want, go for it. Take risks. Devise plans. Make strategies, then go out and make things happen for yourself. But remember, always treat people with respect, courtesy, and professionalism. As Kevin Anderson says, be nice to everybody. You never know if that poorly chosen word, or that flare of temper, or that bite of impatience is going to bite you back harder. And just like that, just by doing this, you already meet two point on the triangle of success — nice, and work hard. All you’ve got left is skill. So practice, practice, practice. You might have a great story idea, but not the sufficient skill to express it yet. Set aside your unpolished gem and keep working at your craft. When you’ve improved, have another go at it. Don’t give up. If you believe in a story you’re telling–tell it. Someone at some point will see it and believe in it too.